This is followed by "Courage", a plaintive ballad accompanied by piano and strings which wouldn't have been a smidgen of warpaint out of place in BRAVEHEART. Elsewhere, LOUDER THAN HELL never lets up for a single minute. "Number 1" proves that contrary to popular belief, Manowar can indeed count, even if it's only with one finger. The majestic sweep of the instrumental "Today Is A Good Day To Die" recalls passages in THE TRIUMPH OF STEEL's "Achilles, Agony and Ecstacy In Eight Parts". Album closer "The Power" is a remorseless er... powerhouse of a track, more a Nordic epic in 4 minutes than a song, really. On it, Scott Columbus pounds the living bejesus out of his drumkit and Karl Logan whips out a squealing solo that with puts paid to any notion that he can't fill the steel boots of departed guitarist Ross the Boss. You're practically breathless when it all ends, still waiting for the lightning that inevitably follows a squall of thunder. They say it as clear here (and as many times and using the same words) as they did on their very first album, 1982's BATTLE HYMNS. It's all about faith, power, metal, and the total annihilation of the enemy. It's "more than our religion, it's the only way to live." The only thing LOUDER THAN HELL lacks is the blessing of the late Orson Welles, who on "Dark Avenger" from the first album can be heard to intone lines like: "Seek payment not only for thine own anguish, but vindicate the souls of the unavenged". This is otherwise classic Manowar - more than mortal, mightier than any other metal band in existence.
.. Return of the Warlord
.. Brothers of Metal, Part. 1
.. The Gods Made Heavy Metal
.. Courage
.. Number 1
.. Outlaw
.. King
.. Today Is a Good Day to Die
.. My Spirit Lives On
.. The Power
[ pass = heavymetalbreed ]
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